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Common Queries

What is your return policy?

You have a 100% Satisfaction or your Money Back Guarantee within 10 calendar days of receiving your order! Simply email us at to begin. You can return or exchange your purchase.


We stand behind our bracelets and we will stand by you if you are not 100% satisfied. This is how we thank you for choosing us since without you we could not exist!

What discounts do your offer?

We offer seasonal discounts for products throughout the year! Subscribe with your email address to receive promotions and notifications when discounts become available!

What are the payment options?

We currently accept PayPal for online purchases! We care about your security which is why we use the leader in easy, secure, and reliable purchases!

What are the shipping options?

We ship within the United States and throughout Europe! If you have special shipping instructions or would like to ship your bracelets elsewhere simply email us at We will be excited to hear from you!

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